Tuesday 28 July 2009


Over this holiday I haven't stopped. I've been out of my house every day practically, Oh just to let you know I was rushed to hospital a few days ago.
Well your probably asking why, And the answer is *drum roll* I have no idea.
Basically I almost / did collapse when walking to my local garage. But then that night my brain was in over load it killed beyond belief. And so I had an ambulance come and 'try' to save me.
I've never been in an ambulance before and the first time I've been in one I was sick, not the best memory I think I will carry.
Anyway apart from going to hospital I've got a lot of plans for the holidays. Oh and sorry I haven't been updating this, I will keep trying!

Saturday 4 July 2009

Finally an adult.

I have officially left school and am on the journey to college. I’m proud at myself because I’ve finished my schoolwork and got good marks for it to. And on the 2nd of July I had my school prom. It was the best time I’ve ever had and the people I spent it with were amazing.

Anyway now I’ve told you what I’ve been doing I would also like to apologize because I haven’t written a blog in ages because I’ve been so busy with everything else. I just haven’t had the time and I’m sorry. But if I’m not writing these then come find me on something else like my Twitter, Blogtv or my Dailybooth.

Thursday 11 June 2009


As you know I'm leaving school. So this means I need to finish my coursework and things to get my GCSE grades. And congratulations I've done it all. All I have to do now is go through it and check to see if I have everything so I get my C grades and above, although one subject has really pissed me off. Citizenship, public service skills and outdoor activities are all mixed in to one, so if you fail one of them you fail all three and don't get a grade. I've done all my coursework for each subject that means I should get a pass, however, outdoor activity's is pretty self-explanitry, you have to do two outdoor adventures and coursework to pass. I done the coursework but didn't do the outdoor activity's because of my bad back, and the doctor told me not to bother doing it. So because of this 'medical reason' I can’t pass and get my grade for it, so that means I'm one grade down. The teachers said that they are going to ask the 'bored' if I'm aloud to pass, but if they say no, I'm a bit screwed.

Monday 1 June 2009

End of.

It’s finally coming to the end of my school days, well in secondary anyway. I think I’m going to miss my stupid little school, I’ll miss my friends, my teachers, oh but I definitely won’t miss the uniform or the hot summer days in a school blazer.
It will be sad when we leave, but most of us are going to the same college or to ones that are close to each other. I’m still going to talk to all the people I talk to now.
I’m also looking forward to prom now; I think it should be good. To me prom means the end of school, the end of being a horrible teenager and actually moving on to become an adult. And plus we all get to look snazzy in out dresses and suits.
So I wish everyone luck on their exams and then leaving to go to college.

Tuesday 26 May 2009

Halloween ideas.

I have just come up with some amazing Halloween idea's for this year's Halloween. Yes I know it’s a little bit early but I don't care. Every year at Halloween I invite people round, have fun scaring little kids and then getting absolutely drunk on home made punch. If you didn't know already I'm actually quite handy when it comes to make up and performing arts make up, such as when I made the ugly sisters ugly for the school performance. Last year at Halloween I made me and my friends into zombies, it was easy and we scared so many people and got so utterly drunk. We all had so much fun with my house all smoky with the smoke machine and all scary with manikins standing in the garden. However the idea I’m having this year is going to be clowns. I'm going to mix the zombie cuts and blood with the costume of a scary clown. I told my friend and they said its a good idea and will scare so many people. I know I'm planning a bit early but it’s going to be the best Halloween ever.


Today has been a long day. I wanted to finish off my performing arts evaluation but I couldn’t really be bothered and plus I kept getting distracted by music and talking and a pigeon called Derek I named, who likes to sit at my window and ‘coo’ all day long.
And the only thing I can actually manage is updating my Twitter every two to three seconds. I’m becoming a Twitter freak.
My GCSE’s are taking place now, apparently I leave on the 4th of June, but knowing my luck I will probably still have to come in to do some sort of work. I mostly take BTEC courses; witch means it just coursework, no exams.
This week as well I need to revise, if I don’t I’m sure to fail maths.
I’m so distractible today, This blog is taking me ages to write because I’m trying to put some make-up on and also I’m being distracted by that because I’m talking to my Grandad. It’s just a big cycle of distractible-ness.
However I will try very hard to update everything I promise.

Saturday 16 May 2009

Exams and such!

I wish my exams would just finish; in fact I haven't even started them. I just really want to finish school and get on with my life instead of all this crappy revising and having nothing to do. I guess it's just bugging me. My bedroom door is making a funny noise because of the wind, where is all the sunny weather we are suppose to have! I want a tan! I think I’m just getting annoyed with all this revising and crappy weather and not having any money to go out and do things. My mum and dad keep nagging at me to get a job but I don't want one yet, when I get into college and things I will get one but for now I’m so busy revising and stuff.
I think all this stress has what's made me ill, I'm run down and feeling warn out all the time.
I just hope I pass my exams and can finally get on with my life. Now I'm going out because I need some air.