Monday 30 March 2009

Hello, hola…Bonjor!

Well I’m still ill if you’re wondering, it’s quite depressing.
At the moment I can smell the freshly cut grass from next door and I haven’t been able to smell or taste anything for about a week, although I can taste food a second time when it comes back to say hello. Anyway to much info for the mind I think. Since I’ve been at home all week I’ve been updating things, I’ve been using my twitter and dailybooth a lot, even if I am ill, so check them out if you wish. And I’ve also become aware that I have become a facebook geek, it is shameful! If I come on the computer its like I must go on facebook, it has become very addictive, maybe I should look for some help.
I’ve just noticed, Taylor Swift is quite country, well her music is, has anyone else noticed that? Anyway, wish that I make a full recovery and I’ll keep you up to date on anything new.

Saturday 28 March 2009

Cough, cough!

So this is what it comes down to, me doing a late night blog. Maybe my next blog should be a naked blog. God! Tonight everything is so utterly boring, I’m bored of eating, I’m bored of watching TV, and now I’m bored because no one interesting is online and I have no one to talk to. I never thought to myself how much fun school is compared to this, a snotty nose and me practically hallucinating because of how may pills I’ve been taking because I’m pretty much dieing.
Oh by the way if your wondering what I’m suffering from its glandular fever! Trust me it is not nice and apparently last quite a wile… I’m falling apart at the tender age of 16! This is not a good thing. Anyway, today I’ve noticed people are stupid, everyone kept asking me if I was ok… WELL NO OBVIOUSLY NOT, I’M FRICKING ILL!!

Oh great I’m bored of writing this blog now.

Thursday 26 March 2009

Special request.

For some unknown reason I’m writing a blog for my dear demented friend Ellie. She wanted me to write one because she is obviously a strange stalker who is probably a man with a hairy back. Anyway, just for her I’m writing this and I feel like absolute shit. I have been sleeping most of today, and I can’t smell anything. I feel absolutely awful.
I’m not actually sure what to talk about. Oh earlier I watched Austin powers goldmember, and I’ve realised, when your dosed up on drugs (prescribed not illegal) like I am today the film becomes a lot funnier. To be honest I feel really ill, my head is killing and I’m so drowsy because of all the drugs I’m taking… Put it this way, I hope tomorrow at the doctors will help, because otherwise I’m just going to go to bed and never wake up if I don’t get any better.

Monday 23 March 2009

Exams, Eccentric lifestyle, and me.

Well would you look at that, I’m back writing blogs. Well in the past week it has been eventful, I’ve been to the cinema to many times in my point of view, been spending to long on facebook, I’ve been out so much that I wasn’t even with my mother on mothers day, for that I feel a tad guilty. So life has been extremely eventful.
School hasn’t changed, the only thing now is that we are all running round like headless chickens trying to get coursework finished and being prepared for exams, if this carries on I will have no life! I think my year in school leaves things to the last minute.
To be honest, I’m exhausted! I don’t think I can handle anymore going out spending money, and doing exams and teachers yelling at you! I CAN’T HANDLE IT!
I need a saviour, maybe someone could give me superman’s number and I will put it on speed dial every time I need him to do my work or to drop me off at the shopping centre… oh life would be so much simpler if we all had a superhero on speed dial handy.

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Cake, i want?

I don't know what the title is about, so don’t ask. Maybe it’s the fact that I really want some cake, but I don’t because I will probably see it a second time after devouring it.
I’m still quite ill witch isn’t good to be honest, and all that seems to be happening is that I’m getting worse.
1- I went to doctors after getting home from school like a week ago and I found out the virus I got, I’m allergic to.
2- I became swollen because I was allergic to the virus.
3- I took the tablets I had been given and started to feel a bit sick from them.
4- I find out I have a reaction to the tablets and have now got something else I would rather not discus.
So basically, my life for the past week has been absolute shit. I’m hungry but I keep sicken things up. I’m craving a knickerbokerglory but of course I will end up seeing it a second time not looking as good as it did the first, and probably smelling a bit funky as well.
Hopefully now when you look at this title you wont think to yourself, Oh my god, what a fat bitch. You will hopefully read the blog and feel a slightly bit sorry for me.

Saturday 7 March 2009


Recently I’ve been shopping in primark, just like I always do, but I seem to be buying clothes out of the men’s section in primark. It started with a top I got from the men’s section that I loved, and ever since I’ve been splashing my cash on men’s wear.
I want to know, is this wired buying men’s clothes for myself. I mean they look nice on me, a bit bigger then normal but they look nice.
I’m going to find out if any other girls buy men’s clothing for there self, in any shop. And I also want to find out if this bothers men. Are women slowly taking away another thing from mankind?

Friday 6 March 2009


I seem to be neglecting my computer; its just sitting on my desk collecting dust, witch I don’t think is any good for it. By doing this I have also been neglecting facebook, myspace, blogtv, daily booth and my wonderful blog that I said I would update everyday but haven’t. There are reasons I’ve been doing this, I’m ill and also I really can’t be bothered, so Catharine Tate but I utterly don’t care. Anyway, its nice and sunny today that makes a change, but its still really cold, my window is open and I can see my breath in my bedroom, I think I may decide to close it in a wile because I may end up with pneumonia. All in all this week has been utter shit to be honest, I’m ill, I’ve remembered why boys are such knobs, and I’m so utterly bored. Hope your week has been slightly better.

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Mega illness.

I feel like poop. Everyone has probably caught it off me, it’s almost as bad as an STD. Apart from the fact it isn’t a STD it is a cold and it’s making me miserable.
Today didn’t help, two exams and a performing arts lesson I needed to act like a right knob head in, stupid chicken noises. Oh, I just realised I said two exams if you add them all up its four total exams, no wonder I fail at maths. Basically today I have felt rubbish, and now I’m mega tired and need rest, but of course my body clock is out of wack, or has run out of batteries. I think what I am basically resulting in is non stop babbling of words that don’t really tend to turn out to English, mega tiredness from lack of rest, and also hunger because I can’t eat because I feel like shit, so all in all its kind of eventful.