Tuesday 28 July 2009


Over this holiday I haven't stopped. I've been out of my house every day practically, Oh just to let you know I was rushed to hospital a few days ago.
Well your probably asking why, And the answer is *drum roll* I have no idea.
Basically I almost / did collapse when walking to my local garage. But then that night my brain was in over load it killed beyond belief. And so I had an ambulance come and 'try' to save me.
I've never been in an ambulance before and the first time I've been in one I was sick, not the best memory I think I will carry.
Anyway apart from going to hospital I've got a lot of plans for the holidays. Oh and sorry I haven't been updating this, I will keep trying!

Saturday 4 July 2009

Finally an adult.

I have officially left school and am on the journey to college. I’m proud at myself because I’ve finished my schoolwork and got good marks for it to. And on the 2nd of July I had my school prom. It was the best time I’ve ever had and the people I spent it with were amazing.

Anyway now I’ve told you what I’ve been doing I would also like to apologize because I haven’t written a blog in ages because I’ve been so busy with everything else. I just haven’t had the time and I’m sorry. But if I’m not writing these then come find me on something else like my Twitter, Blogtv or my Dailybooth.