Thursday 11 June 2009


As you know I'm leaving school. So this means I need to finish my coursework and things to get my GCSE grades. And congratulations I've done it all. All I have to do now is go through it and check to see if I have everything so I get my C grades and above, although one subject has really pissed me off. Citizenship, public service skills and outdoor activities are all mixed in to one, so if you fail one of them you fail all three and don't get a grade. I've done all my coursework for each subject that means I should get a pass, however, outdoor activity's is pretty self-explanitry, you have to do two outdoor adventures and coursework to pass. I done the coursework but didn't do the outdoor activity's because of my bad back, and the doctor told me not to bother doing it. So because of this 'medical reason' I can’t pass and get my grade for it, so that means I'm one grade down. The teachers said that they are going to ask the 'bored' if I'm aloud to pass, but if they say no, I'm a bit screwed.

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

Are you a lion?