Saturday 16 May 2009

Exams and such!

I wish my exams would just finish; in fact I haven't even started them. I just really want to finish school and get on with my life instead of all this crappy revising and having nothing to do. I guess it's just bugging me. My bedroom door is making a funny noise because of the wind, where is all the sunny weather we are suppose to have! I want a tan! I think I’m just getting annoyed with all this revising and crappy weather and not having any money to go out and do things. My mum and dad keep nagging at me to get a job but I don't want one yet, when I get into college and things I will get one but for now I’m so busy revising and stuff.
I think all this stress has what's made me ill, I'm run down and feeling warn out all the time.
I just hope I pass my exams and can finally get on with my life. Now I'm going out because I need some air.

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