Tuesday, 26 May 2009


Today has been a long day. I wanted to finish off my performing arts evaluation but I couldn’t really be bothered and plus I kept getting distracted by music and talking and a pigeon called Derek I named, who likes to sit at my window and ‘coo’ all day long.
And the only thing I can actually manage is updating my Twitter every two to three seconds. I’m becoming a Twitter freak.
My GCSE’s are taking place now, apparently I leave on the 4th of June, but knowing my luck I will probably still have to come in to do some sort of work. I mostly take BTEC courses; witch means it just coursework, no exams.
This week as well I need to revise, if I don’t I’m sure to fail maths.
I’m so distractible today, This blog is taking me ages to write because I’m trying to put some make-up on and also I’m being distracted by that because I’m talking to my Grandad. It’s just a big cycle of distractible-ness.
However I will try very hard to update everything I promise.

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