Tuesday, 13 January 2009

My plan to dominate the world.

Right now I could eat pie. (Lol) Don’t see how that relevant but still I could!
I would eat it because I’m so annoyed. Today some teachers wanted some of us to stay behind at school, only to revise for maths, but I revise for maths quite a lot anyway!! Grr. It just annoys me so much; they just expected me to stay behind without letting my parents know. For all my mum could of known, I could have got abducted or eaten or been turned into a frog or something (lols dramatic)! Hopefully you’re getting my point here, I will stay next week, but with someone knowing.

Any who, today I’ve found an epic and exciting way to take over this world (muhahahaha). I shall let you know of my awesome plan. It involves radioactive and very large ducks combined with chickens (duckins).
Haha only joking, I got a bit uncontrollable in one of my lessons and decided to take over the world, however, my plan was a failure.
I’ll have to find another way to take over planet earth, or I might try something smaller like taking over a corner shop.
I think I’ve given away too much of my plan.
I do hope you wonderful people out in the Internet aren’t as freaky and strange as I am, or are you? Well at least I admit I am, well that’s the first step for a cure.

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